The Hormozi Laboratory


Hormozi Laboratory Space Fully Renovated and Ready for Experimentation

Olin B40 has been home to many lab groups over the years and the Hormozi Lab is excited to be the next. With a long renovation process and shipping delays, we began the challenging task of replicating experimental setups this May, almost 1 year after Professor Hormozi’s move to Cornell. Within our two dark rooms, several experimental setups have been installed and tested, preparing us for a productive start to the Fall 2021 semester. With only a few minor touches needed to finalize the space, we look forward to many additional hours of experimentation and discussion in Olin B40. Enjoy the images below of our newly constructed lab and office space and the process of setting up experimental equipment.

We are also happy to announce the complete setup of our chemistry lab space Olin 108. This room is where suspensions are mixed, particles are cleaned, and future fluids will be created for experimentation in B40. Room 108 features a state-of-the-art rheometer as well, in which the properties of fluids can be tested within various geometries. We look forward to utilizing this space for future chemical development.

In addition, we have established connections with the Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility (CNF) and the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) and we look forward to working with them to further fluid imaging techniques, such as integrating X-ray imaging. Therefore, some of our experimental projects will be performed in their centers and we look forward to this partnership.

Special thanks to Dallas, Jonathan, and Kaleigh for their work in setting up the lab spaces this summer.

Kaleigh Rose Soucy • July 28, 2021

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